Unfinished, placeholder entry...


I'm firing up the blog again! It's been far too long, and i use the neocities feed/dashboard very frequently to post mini updates and talk about my thoughts so why not use my actual blog and post my (totally very first) entry ever!! that i'll most DEFINITELY write down all in one sitting and post to my site day of!!


you'll never guess what happened today
(had a whole breakdown)
(didn't write jack shit)


okay i don't know how long i'll be able to write today either, but i want to expand upon some of my neocities blog post things because that was the purpose of this fuckass entry anyway.

anyway i know i havent updated in a while but im doing small things to the site every once in a while i promise i just havent updated it here on neocities!! school is... ough. I think i might prioritize the blog? who knows! im mostly working on UI stuff though lol

 rinnispace 2 days ago
  i really like my old homepage and im not getting rid of it ofc bc that layout took a lot of work... looks at solaria bc that site was the one to inspire me and figuring out their sticky sidebars took hours...

  rinnispace 2 days ago
   im really enjoying figuring out a more desktop looking UI though! i just havent had a big spark of motivation in a hot sec haha... and school is intense recently...

  rinnispace 2 days ago
   tbh i wish i talked more on melonland or had correspondence with my mutuals here... i think that would help, and everyone here also seems so interesting and i wish i was closer to the community! instead of just being all, 'i think your site looks cool, let's be moots!', yknow? i'm shy abt emailing, though... gahh...

  rinnispace 2 days ago
   (this is why i think i should finish the blog lol)

  rinnispace 1 day ago
  oh man whats really turning me off from working on the site is the amount of placeholder images i have... i haven't been able to get any art done recently either, much less 'work' art for the


I never finished this entry lol. Hi youtube!!!