Welcome, traveller...

It seems that you took a wrong turn, to have ended up here.
This place is meant to be explored through your computer, your perspective will be skewed if you choose to enter through a mobile device.
Psychic damage might be sustained if you attempt to enter through your mobile device. RINNISPACE is not liable for psychic damage received from viewing non-formatted content.


is, first and foremost, an art project, concieved in the mind of an earthling and uploaded directly to the internet via chaotic brain dumping activities. Such activities resulted in a mess of images, text, and code, that the webmaster is trying to unravel daily. be patient with the webmaster, half its brain matter has been suctioned out of its skull and displayed for your viewing pleasure.


may contain small instances of flashing, bright colors, and disturbing content. Disturbing content will be preceded by appropriate warnings.


is not appropriate for young children. However, no explicit or adult content is featured on the site.

If you are suitably prepared, click on the following portal.