
I MADE THE BLOG FINALLY!!!! Finally!! I figured out a style i liked, and worked on the css for it alongside my little personal project of collecting Pikmin 2 assets and such! I'd been struggling with the bubble texture for the text boxes and such and i finally got it to work with the border-split css parameter thing! I'm so happy!!!!!!!
I think I've done a few more things around, like re-adding the guestbook and removing the IC signatures from back when the ARG was supposed to be the whole site lol!! I WILL be adding lots of resources (including stuff i've made myself teehee) to that page, so please stay tuned for that... I have so so many images to organize... that's what's mostly holding me back lol. But at least now I can actually post writings when i feel like it instead of just thinking about it and never doing it! yay!!!
Mmmmm that's all for now! Thank you for your attention!


CSS heavy update tonight!! I organized the home page css and home page skin a little, and added some touches, and graphics of the ones i've been hoarding over the past... week? LMAO?? and i still feel like the page could do with some more!! maybe stickers? im thinking it needs some non-pixel graphics to really jjujj it up! zhuzh? idk!
there's a few things to troubleshoot, so i might update the page a few more times in the future, but the next stuff up should be on the new to-do list! next I'll probably continue the about and more sub-pages! i'm satisfied that my homepage doesn't look BORING AND BLAND anymore! well. LESS boring and bland!
don't worry about all the blinkies/buttons/badges/etc that used to be here, they are all safe! i think i'll just tailor that kind of graphics for the next themes! and also make a master page with everything so it's easy to acces LOL! Almong with, of course, citing my sources on the links page!
ALSO!! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE STAMPS!!! SO!!! ive already made five. Yes two of them are Kinger TADC. No i'm not sorry :3


Small update tonight, i've added some more graphics over the weekend, and my status.cafe! I'm hard at work studying for finals, so nothing huge for a few days, but i have been creating a comprehensive review for my astronomy final (in english!) so i can make a page of lessons and academic notes! so expect that in the future, yay!


Finalized Home page (for now!)! This includes changing around the content, and creating a stylesheet for a theme, hopefully this'll make it easier to add a theme switcher function in the future! It's super minimalist so far but that's okay! I'll add more flair soon, lol!!
I've also been doing a loooooot of behind the scenes stuff for as long as the website has been stagnant. I'm not dead, promise! Stuff like:

There's still a lot of work to be done, so I'm killing a few links here and also the header until then because i REALLY REALLY want to get this update out on the date i wrote above LOL!! I have this bad habit of doing a little little bit of something at a time instead of getting something done quickly and it sucks!! But YEAH!! anyway thanks for sticking around @ my followers and mooties and thanks for reading to everyone that reads this!!